Printed GVP Toolkits 2024 Edition

Price: $12.00


Presbyterian Peace Fellowship Gun Violence Prevention Toolkit

Help your congregation, group or organization explore issues of gun violence and what we can do about it. Newly updated in 2024, the Gun Violence Prevention Congregational Toolkit offers:

  • 80 pages of educational resources, pastoral resources and action tools
  • Case studies on local churches engaged with gun violence prevention
  • Small Group Study programs for congregations, campus groups and others, including the new “Courageous Conversations on Gun Violence Prevention” study
  • Worship, biblical and pastoral care resources on issues of suicide prevention, grief and solidarity
  • The Citizen’s Test on Gun Violence in America
  • Sample signage for “No Guns in God’s House”
  • Over 200 links to educational resources and action ideas, including gun violence prevention national groups and local contacts in all 50 states